Want to clean your phone storage? Don’t want to do it manually but don’t know what app...

Romana Levko
Romana Levko is a staff writer for Handy Recovery, concentrating on data recovery and data management topics for macOS, iOS, and iPadOS. She embarked on her journey with Handy Recovery in 2021 as a contributing writer, quickly proving herself as a reliable and efficient professional with a keen eye for detail. Romana has a strong passion for addressing issues related to Apple devices and possesses advanced skills in various Content Management Systems (CMS). Since joining the staff team, she has not only retained these skills but has also amplified her efforts and contributions significantly.
She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures from Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.
Articles written or contributed by Romana
Clean installing macOS on your Mac gives it a fresh start. It wipes the disk—removing the operating...
A lot of factors can influence an HFS formatted drive or partition that can lead to such...
There may come a time when you’ll need to recover or transfer data from a Mac hard...
Without a doubt, it’s essential to keep your Mac up to date to ensure its top-notch performance...
Are you in a position where finding one particular photo in the Photos app on your iPhone...
If you love taking photos using your iPhone as much as we do, then you must’ve already...
If you’re looking for a way to clear up some space on your iPhone without deleting any...
Have you tried connecting a USB flash drive to your Mac but realized it’s not showing up?...
Tried to access the files on your external storage device but as soon as you’ve connected it...
Did you mistakenly delete the wrong file on your Thunderbolt external hard drive? Or maybe it got...
Need to recover deleted or missing files from your Mac’s solid-state drive? Depending on the reason for...
Did the Photoshop app suddenly crash when you were still working on a project? Or maybe you’ve...
DiskWarrior is one of the oldest Mac utility programs specializing in rebuilding disk directories. Over the years, it...
Cisdem Data Recovery is a macOS tool aimed at helping users recover accidentally deleted or lost files....